In the Night

Good Night ...sleep tight..and hope the bedbugs bite!
The Gravemaster was the first late night movie host on WKCF-TV18 Orlando, Fl. The makeup, set design and props were all created by Pat Tantalo, a professional special effects coordinator in the movie industry. Pat also assisted with scripts and even played several characters. Despite the shows immediate success among late night viewers, it was cancelled after one season for the station to make room for a sitcom. (A sitcom is a program salespeople don't have to go out and sell. They adjust the butt cushion on the chair, and take orders over the phone, and eat as many donuts as possible between 8:30am and Noon)

Too Cool for School T-Shirt
Who needs a flashlight…Gravemaster T-shirts “Glowed” in the dark!! A limited edition keepsake created for the dedicated followers as payola for sending in trivia questions, jokes and comments that were aired on the show. Coolest artwork by Jim King.

Paper- Dead Weight
Statue designed and molded into reality by movie Special Effects Master Pat Tantalo. Pat also created many props like came to life as speaking characters like the Ghouls on the Gravemasters chair, skeletons, and many hand puppets.

Mini-Master Hand Puppet
Puppet design and creation from pliable rubber by Special Effects professional Pat Tantalo. In 'Alien' movie like manor, the puppet would often burst out of the Gravemaster's chest and start talking.